Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fart Egg

Here is a sample of what we collected today. We had an average white egg from our Pearl White Leghorn, a jumbo probably double yolker from our Ameracauna, and then this teensy little egg. It is the size of a cocktail olive. I was so excited to show Jay when he got home tonight. When he saw it, he said it had Guinness World Record potential. We raced to pose the eggs and take just the right photo at the just the right angle. I then quickly posted it on the Backyard Chicken forum that we so dorkily subscribe to so everyone could Ooh and Ahh and tell us how marvelous our chickens were. I hit "Enter" and breathlessly waited to get my first response. It came within seconds. I gasped "Jay! we have a response." As I clicked with anticipation, I came to discover a new word for my country vernacular as well as the answer to what this wondrous egg was..."a fart egg".

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Eggs for Sale!
The girls are earning their rent at the Palais and we are officially in business with over a dozen eggs a day. The girls are free to stroll the yard, taking in the fresh country air and they lay at their leisure in their private chicken suites. Their meals consist of organic feed and fresh fruits and veggies from the adjoining garden, with an occasional treat of yogurt, tomato horn worms and imported French cheese.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cocktail hour for Sallie

Jay noticed at roosting time in the late afternoon, that dear old Sal was still poking her head out to see if it was cocktail hour. She just knew he would have some sort of hor d'oeuvres for her. On a lark, he stuck his arm out and she mustered her fat rear end out the window to fly over and see what she could charm him out of. It is now a nightly affair. Cocktail hour with Sal. (For the record, Sallie likes fine imported French cheese.)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Harvest Season at Bent Willow Ranch
The garden is in full swing and we are busy picking a variety of fruits and vegetables. The blackberries are peaking right now. We've had cobbler coming out of our ears! Next up is chokecherries. Anyone know a recipe for chokecherry liquer? We are also getting over a dozen eggs a day in several different colors.

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Arrivals

Four new girls have checked into the Palais des Poulets this week. Grace Jones, an Ameraucana named for her White Mohawk-like tail, arrived for an extreme makeover. She has taken to the yogurt treatments and fruit cocktails and should be a beauty before long. She arrived with 3 Partridge Rocks named Cher (checking in for help with her flat bottom), Queen (checking in for help with her fat bottom), and Godiva (checking in with her friends for moral support). They will pay for their stay with brown and blue eggs, although so far, they are late on their rent. We are hoping it's just because they have been too busy being chased by potential suitors.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

It's official!
We are farmers, as of today. We went out to Bent Willow and I was in the coop with John, Jim and their friend Greer. All of a sudden we heard a terrible squawking noise. We have become accustomed to the sound of King Tut jumping all the girls, but this was even more intense. John and Jim ran out of the run and swung open the main doors of the hen house to see what was going on. Next thing I know, I hear “It’s an egg!!! It’s warm!!!” It was right next to the egg boxes, in a spot where Tut likes to rest next to his girls. I was so thrilled that the boys found it. The excitement was palpable. Jim was furious that we were going to take it because he wanted a baby chick. I explained to him that the hen did not sit on it, so she didn’t want a baby chick. If it was left, then it was meant for us. We then went to the garden and picked two cherry tomatoes and some french green beans. What a gratifying day!

For those wondering about the fate of the egg, Jay scrambled it in brown butter and served it on toast. It was delicious!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Palais des Poulets is officially open for business! Appetizers of crickets and freshly dug earthworms were passed around as the tour of the property commenced. Guests were then invited to go for a game of tag by their boy hosts and hand fed grapes by their other humans.

Sallie, the Rhode Island Red, enjoying a gourmet cricket canape.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First Gobbler From The Ranch - April 5, 2008

This old bird with unusual tail feather markings tried to maul my "pretty boy" decoy before he succumbed to lead poisoning. Fried turkey fingers for the family and for Herman!

The Girls

Our Chicken clan includes 5 Rhode Island Red hens, 5 Pearl White leghorn hens, 5 Dominique hens, 5 Cuckoo Marans (3 roos and 2 hens), and 5 Easter Eggers and 1 Egyptian Fayoumi roo named King Tut. The eggs should start coming this summer. We'll have them in all colors...even blue and green!